Connect on Realm

What is Realm?
REALM is our church web-based software that is accessible by AHBC leaders and members only; anytime, anywhere, with an app on your smart phone or by logging in using a web-based browser.

Why is Realm important to you as a church member?
The Church Directory:  The most important component is your “profile” which will contain a record of your name, address, phone numbers, email address and members of your family. It will become part of the AHBC Contact Information & Picture Directory. You can keep your profile up to date, so no more confusion about how to contact you.

Private & Secure
All information on Realm is private and secure and you can control who can see your contact and personal information.

Want to know your current pledge and giving history? This information, including historical records, will be available to you on REALM through its password-based security. You can even set up recurring, scheduled on-line giving. How convenient to have your contributions automatically withdrawn and credited to AHBC!

Events, Classes, Groups
You will be able to join groups, register and pay for events, and participate in discussions. Class leaders can easily communicate with groups, share materials, and start discussions if they choose to.

Realm lets group leaders track attendance easily. Ministry Staff and Leaders look forward to getting heads up alerts to help them keep in contact with you.